Hello and Welcome to Felt Sew Somerset
Tracey is a felt and textile artist specialising in handcrafted wearables, items for the home, pictorial art and kits you can use to have a go yourself! Her works are created using various combinations of felt and embroidery techniques, resulting in unique pieces of art.
Living on the edge of the beautiful Somerset Levels for nearly 23 years has provided an unlimited, local source of inspiration for her work. Tracey can often be found going for walks with a camera or sketch book, documenting the ever-changing seasons, and the effects that the weather has on the her surroundings, as stimuli for new creations.
Using teaching to show just how accessable this art form is, Tracey provides a variety of workshops, where you can learn new skills and get inspired. At the end of the day/s, you can take home your very own unique piece of art, ranging from small gifts and soaps, to wall hangings and warm winter shawls.